Friday, November 20, 2009

So much and not enough time or space!

I can't believe it's been a month since I have blogged. So much has happened in a month. I guess it's that time of year. I though it was always because of Cameron's football but I can't blame it on that this year. So Here we go I'll write in list form of what we have been up to this last month and then I'll post a few pics!
Since I last wrote.
1.Inspector 71 had another great performance at the Folsom Hotel on Oct.24. It was a fun one because we all dressed up! The performance was off the hook! They always do such a great job and the crowd loves it!

2.Cameron came home with all his football buddies and went to The Heritage homecoming game

3.Halloween...Cameron was home in the morning but left by three. I was happy he was so willing to carve his pumpkin before he left! What a surreal night. Cameron was in Chico of course having his own fun and Emily went out with her friends and stayed the night at Megan's. I did the annual Chicken soup and chili for my neighbors, Puppo's, and Wanda. We had our own adult Halloween but just not the same with out the kids. The high light of my evening was when a few of Cameron's friends stopped by in costume to say hi! I think they knew I was missing not having all of them around!

4. Cameron calls and talks to us all the time. A few weeks ago he called... After getting off the phone with him both Mark and I had a feeling he wasn't him self. So we decided to make a last minute trip to visit. Glad we did. He really perked up after that. Just going through changes in life and learning how to deal with them. He's doing great. A little stressed about Calculus but he found a tutor and hopefully that will help! Chico is beautiful in fall. The colors are so vibrant!

5. We had another corvette run. This time it was to old town Sacramento. We took the back road which made the drive alot of fun. Ate at Joe's crab shack. Walked around the town and ended the day at a cute piano bar with a few cocktails. Weather was beautiful!

6. The past week I have been real busy making Christmas cards and misc. cards for a Holiday Boutique my friend had on Wed. It was a pretty good show for me considering it was during the week and we didn't have a whole lot of traffic. I did better than most. Plus I think I will have quite a few customers for my graduation announcements.

Oh yeah I forgot... The main reason I haven't blogged was due to a few health issues I was having. So I woke up one morning (Thurs.) with a sore throat. Ok no big deal! Friday my right breast was sore. So I though maybe hormonal. Saturday BAM! Swollen breast, throat felt like I had something stuck in it, and I had a fever. Stuck it out through the weekend. Made an appointment with the Doc. Monday morning. Didn't have a fever by then. He ended up sending me to get a Mammogram, Ultra sound, and a Barrium swallow (OMG that was the worst tasting stuff)! Mammogram and Ultra sound A OK! Barriom swallow is when the doc said I'm going to call your insurance to approve a scope. What... They stuffed something up my nose and down my throat. Can you say almost threw up. I have the worst gag reflex anyway and this was horrible! So they did figure out what it was. I had shingles in my throat. Can you believe that. never knew I could get them on the inside. The good news was they didn't hurt. I did absolutely nothing for a full week. I was able to do this because Mark was in Taiwan for that week! He had to leave the day of all my testing. My friend was nice enough to bring over a bunch of movies...32 to be exact. All pirated movies that I hadn't seen. So because I did this I was able to get rid of them real fast!
There's our month in a nut shell! Richards band in playing again tomorrow night! We were suppose to go but unfortunately we're not going to make it too much to do before the short week. Looking forward to seeing the Family on Thanksgiving! Hope you all have a wonderful Thanksgiving!!!



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