Thursday, August 20, 2009

Quick up date!

I've been busy working and getting Cameron ready for school and haven't had time to post. I shouldn't be doing this because I have so much to due today and only a few hours left but I'll make it quick.
Cameron came home last weekend to pick up his bed and go to the A's game with us and the Puppo's. The A's lost in an extra inning but it was a fun time!

A few of Cameron's friends came over for a BBQ on Saturday! One last celebration before they all leave for college!

Sunday Cameron and I drove up to Chico with his bed. We didn't leave here until late so I stayed the night. I helped him set up his bed and organize his room a little. He has is own space to hang out if and when he doesn't want to be with his room mates. School starts Monday... He's all prepared!
Here's a few pics of his apartment and room!

We are off to Tahoe this afternoon with John and Danielle. Gonna do some hiking and mountain biking on Friday and Saturday morning. Then we will head to my parents and go to Richards band performance Saturday night. Should be a fun and eventful weekend! Have a great weekend everyone! I'll have a better post when I return!



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