Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Life is so unpredictable

So we started the weekend with Michael's graduation party. I stole Karin's idea and gave him money in balloons. It was a nice party. The sun was out but the wind was crazy! The food was fabulous and the video was super cute and funny. We weren't able to stay for cake... But I really didn't need the added calories any way!

After the party we headed to my parents for fathers day! We BBQ'ed for my dad. Halibut, snapper, and chicken. I also made homemade cherviche. YUMMY! It was a hit! All of it! I did take a couple pics of my parents with me but my mother requested I didn't post them. She looked great but she didn't think so. So I'm honoring her request!

Unfortunately we were saddened by the news of Steve Apel passing. Steve is Cameron's best friends dad. We made the best of fathers day and came home early enough so Cameron could go and support Steve Jr. I have to say I'm so proud of Cameron and how he is being such a great support to Steve and his family. Mark and I went over to the house last night. Took them some muffins and a card. Steve's Family all commented on how wonderful Cameron has been. Not only for Steve but Wanda and the rest of the family. The Puppo's came with us. I really felt alot better after leaving. Yes it is sad and heart breaking but seeing the family helped me not be so upset. We insisted that Maryanne and I would do the food for after the funeral. Funeral is Thursday. I also set up a website for people to donate meals. If you are interested in helping here is the web page.
or you can donate to the leukemia and lymphoma society in honor of Steve!

On a good note. Steve is still going to Europe with Cameron. The family feels it would be a good break for him. It is also what Steve wanted him to do. They talked about it before he passed. RIP STEVE!

Cameron decided to get a hair cut this week. One for the funeral and also because he doesn't want to have to mess with his hair while he's traveling. It's a shocking difference. It's will take me awhile to get use to it. I liked his long curls!

Rian is with us again this week. I have some work to do today and going to costco tomorrow to buy the food for funeral, then it's the funeral Thursday. So I'm planning on taking him to do something fun this weekend.Mark's taking Friday off and we will figure something to do. Have a great week.



Scrapbook at WiddlyTinks.com