We had Rian for the week. After Fathers Day we brought him home with us. Rian and Emily are acting like brother and sister now. Three weeks together. They were here for one week, Then my mothers the following week, and now back here. It's great! I love having Rian around.
Helping Uncle Mark in the yard
Playing catch with Uncle Mark
On the phone with his mom!
Horsing around with Cameron
Anyway... The week started out pretty crappy due to the passing of our friend Steve. The funeral was on Thursday!
The men in black... I had to take a pic of my two handsome men all dressed up... Rare occasion.
To break up the sadness we took Rian and Emily fishing after the funeral. The kids had a great time and caught alot of fish!
The kids had so much fun they wanted to go again on Friday. This time Cameron came with us. This time Cameron was the fishing king. Rian caught 2, Emily 1, Mark 3, Cameron... I lost count but took pics of most of them. He had a different pose for each fish. Funny guy!
Saturday we headed to Stinson beach with the Puppo's. What a great day to choose to go to the beach. It was at least 85 with no wind. We BBQ'ed, swam, played football, wiffle ball, and just had a great time!
Ride home
I unfortunately got fried. I thought I had a good base tan. Boy was I wrong!
Today was our last day with Rian. We BBQ'ed and in the evening had smores. YUMMY! Good end to a great week!
...and we're back!
11 years ago
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