Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Cameron's orientation for College!

Yesterday morning Cameron and I woke up at 3:00 am... Yes that's right AM! I know it's hard to believe I can get up that early in the morning and drive 3 hours. But it had to be done.Problem was no coffee shop open that early! Cameron had to be at Chico by 7:00 to take a Calculus test. I certainly didn't want him to have to drive 3hours that early and then be ready to take a test. So we arrived at 7:00, he went and took the test, and I headed down town to the closest coffee shop... which happened to be Pete's. It was a beautiful morning so I had a cup of coffee and read the local paper. A lot going on in Chico during the summer! Cameron was done with his test around 8:30. We checked into orientation. I was a little sad that they split us up for the day. He went with a few kids who are heading into Engineering HELL! Well the day was long and drug out for me. we were at orientation from 8:30 until 5:00 pm. Cameron said the same thing at the end. We had to attend three workshops through out the day. I didn't learn anything I hadn't already found out. Guess that is one bad thing about me researching everything. I learn too much before the time has come. Oh well it was good for most of the parents that were there who hadn't already tried to find the answers themselves. The only thing that upset Cameron was I wasn't able to help him look over his class choices. He was so lost as to what he should do. They gave him an example of a 1st semester engineering schedule and he just signed up for all of them. OMG... You should of seen his original schedule.
Monday, Wed, Fri ~ Chemistry 9:00-9:50
Monday, Tues, Wed, Thurs, ~ Math 11:00-11:50
Tues, Thurs ~ English 12:30 - 1:45
Tues, Thurs ~ Mechanical Engineering 9:00- 10:50
Monday, Wed ~ Communication 4:00- 5:15
So tell me do you think he could work with that kind of schedule. They say for every hour class you have a min. of 2 hours outside work. This schedule would have been too much. Especially for a first semester freshman. He text messaged his sophomore friends and they told him there is no way he could handle that schedule. He was convinced he had to change his major. I talked him out of it. The advisor we talked to said that in 10 years there has only been 2 engineering students finish school in 4 years. The average engineering student finishes in 5. This is because most majors only need 120 units to graduate and engineering needs a min of 132 units. I told him to take the engineering class and see if he likes it before he makes a decision to change his major. If he loves it he will be ok with going to school for 5 years. So here is his new and final schedule!
Monday Math at 11-11:50, Tennis 1-1:50
Tuesday Mechanical engineering 9:00- 10:50, Math 11-11:50, English 12:30-1:45
Wednesday Math 11-11:50, Tennis 1-1:50
Thursday Mechanical engineering 9:00-10:50, Math 11-11:50, English 12:30-1:45
No class on Friday. He will be done with school by 2:00 and have time to get a part time job and still study. He's taking 11 units instead of the crazy 17 units. They recommend 10 to 12 units if you plan to work. So he's right in the middle! Needless to say not too many photo opts. So I took one when I did see his group and couple before we left!



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