Monday, June 15, 2009

The Graduation Party!~

Cameron's Graduation Party was at my parents on Saturday. Mark and I woke up and set everything up. I didn't want my parents to have to do anything since we were the ones throwing the party! It was nice to have everything ready with a little time to spare. Photo and accomplishment table Cake table Food area Present and photo matte signing table Cameron and is friends came up Saturday. I wanted to have it all set up for Cameron before he arrived. The Cake! It came out better than I expected. Fun one to make! Top is Carrot cake and bottom white fun cake! People arriving, Signing the photo matte, and food! Cameron requested pulled pork sandwiches with corn salad and fruit. We had soda, water, beer, and I made homemade Sangria! Rian was the first one to be thrown into the pool! Cameron went and got him in the house! Down they went Splash! Clothes and all! He walk right threw Danielle, Tracy, and Melissa! The little ones seemed to have a good time too! It seems you can never have a party with out a miss hap! The kids were in the hot tub. the little boys were trying to get attention from the big boys. Low and behold someone got hit in the face and the chase began. They hopped out of the hot tub and one stepped on the top. Broke off the stand and some of the slats! OH MY! Thank goodness it can be fixed! Fun time good company! Tracy and Cameron Mark and John Brandon and Denise Cameron and John Maureen and Richard My BFF's all came! I've know most of them since elementary and junior high school!So glad they came! Jason, Melissa, Danielle, Me, Mark, John, Rob, Dusty, and Cam up front! Rich, Brandon, Cameron, and Richard I had a little pot that said advise on it! Alot of people put notes in it so I had him read them out loud! There were some pretty naughty ones in there thanks to the Uncle's! Here is a sample... I wont tell who wrote it but too funny! It was fun to watch him get a little embarrassed!

Present time! Cameron can not sleep with out a fan. Grandpa and Grandma bought him one! Uncle Richard thought it would be funny to buy him a six pack of beer! Brandon and Denise put together a gag gift. Condoms, pregnancy test, spagettie O's, Mac and Cheese and a gift card that said there was $1.79 on it! Really $50 Cake time! Cameron served the cake. they started to have bike races on the kiddy bikes! Too funny!

The last presents... Augie and Karin put 100 dollars in balloons and Cameron had to pop them to get it out. Fun idea! I'm gonna use that one! Andrew came for the whole party and stayed the night also! Pics of Cam with people as they left! Rian, Cam, and Richard Brandon, Bryce, Cam, Denise, Masey Rich and Cam Danielle, Cam, and John Melissa, Cam, and Jason Uncle Augie, Aunt Karin, Alma (Grandma), Cam, Aunt Maureen, Henrietta (Great Grandma),and Uncle Dave Rob, Cam, Maya, Emma, and Dusty Rob and Cam The only problem with being the picture taker is there are never any pics of you! I forgot to ask someone to take a pic of me with Cameron. OH well not like I don't have enough! Thank you everyone for coming to the party and for all the wonderful gifts! We had a great time and look forward to many more fun times!



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