Saturday, July 18, 2009

Keeping busy while Cameron's away!

We are trying to keep busy while Cameron's away so we don't miss him soooo much! It's working. We miss him but haven't had time to dwell on it! Today we took Emily to the A's game. They lost but it was still alot of fun. Just the three of us. 14 rows from the field behind 3rd base. Great seats! The weather was beautiful again 84 degree's! The only down fall was we now have strange tan lines. Oh well will have to fix it later!
View from our seat!

My Emily and me... Love her!

Mark always being the funny guy!

The Family... Missing Cameron!

It was so hot she had to have them... They melted quite fast!

Here is Emily's bad tan lines! Too funny... She's still laughing about it!

Tomorrow we are taking Emily to my mothers. She will be there until Wednesday. She has to come back and register for high school on Thursday. She starts school Tuesday July 28th. So we are taking off after registration and going camping up at Union Valley for 4 days! Whoo Hoo can't wait!



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