Thursday, July 16, 2009

Day one of mini vacation!

Mark had Semi con west in San Fransisco. Work is slow so I decided Emily and I would tag along and make it a mini girls vacation. Monday we left and drove straight to the SF Zoo. I was expecting ok weather... It was gorgeous!
Right before we turned into the parking lot! 9:00 am... already 75 degrees

Don't ask me what she's doing with the tongue.

Honestly I don't think she could be quiet for more than two seconds...

See... He's looking at her!

Beautiful Day!

The zoos not that big and there weren't very many people there. We were done with the zoo at 1:00. It was so warm so we decided to go to the beach. Stopped by TJ Max's picked up some towels, went to Safeway picked up lunch and arrived at Ocean beach at 1:30. Ate lunch, dipped in the ocean, tanned, and talked. great end to a beautiful day!

Hot Cheetos Emily's favorite!

We arrived at the hotel around 5:30. The view was Pac Bell park. Not a bad room!

When Mark got to the room we went to dinner at Fire Wood. YUMMY Thin crust pizza and a chicken Cesar salad!

There's that tongue again!

We were lying in bed watching some TV and getting ready for a little sleep when we heard some loud banging. Looked out the window and there was a firework show at Pac Bell park! Super cool to watch from the hotel room!



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